Supporting customers in vulnerable circumstances

We’re here to help and support you. It’s important to let us know about your new and existing customers in vulnerable circumstances so that we can do the right thing, because everyone deserves fair treatment.

Vulnerability can take many forms but so does the support we can give, whether that’s alternative ways to receive information or finding effective ways to help customers fully understand any financial decisions.

So, we’ve put this together to make it easier for you to help your vulnerable customers. Once you have your clients’ permission, use this information as a guide.

Power of attorney: where your customer has an active power of attorney in place, please ensure that you inform us as soon as you have submitted the mortgage application.

Speak to us

If your customer is happy for you to tell us about their support needs, you can call Mortgage Service Desk on 03458 48 00 61 to have a discussion with our advisers about how we can help your customers.

Please be aware that calls may be recorded.

Characteristics associated with the four drivers of vulnerability

Here are the four characteristics of vulnerability, because understanding what can make someone vulnerable is a part of helping your clients.

Visit the FCA website.


Poor health can impact on financial wellbeing. Health-related vulnerabilities can include:

  • Physical disability
  • Severe or long-term illness
  • Hearing or visual impairment
  • Mental health condition or disability
  • Addiction
  • Low mental capacity or cognitive disability

Life events

The life events that could put clients in a more vulnerable position can include:

  • Retirement
  • Bereavement
  • Income shock
  • Relationship breakdown
  • Domestic abuse (including economic control)
  • Caring responsibilities
  • Other circumstances that affect people's experience of financial services. For example, leaving care, migration or seeking asylum, human trafficking or modern slavery, and convictions.


How resilient a client is can depend on their ability to bounce back from things like:

  • Inadequate (outgoings exceed income) or erratic income
  • Over-indebtedness
  • Low savings
  • Low emotional resilience


This driver of vulnerability is about a client’s ability to interpret financial information, such as:

  • Low knowledge or confidence in managing finances
  • Poor literacy or numeracy skills
  • Poor English language skills
  • Poor or non-existent digital skills
  • Learning difficulties
  • No or low access to help or support

Services Leeds Building Society offers customers

Leeds Building Society offers a range of tools and services to make your customers’ experience easier.

These include:

  • Sign Solutions supports British Sign Language users by connecting them with a sign language interpreter.
  • Multiple options to print documents including braille and large print

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Helping you to support customers

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