If you have any reportable concerns, as detailed in the FCA and PRA Whistleblowing in deposit-takers, PRA-designated investment firms and insurers Policy Statement, please contact Expolink, our Whistleblowing Hotline Service.
The Whistleblowing Hotline Service is an independent and confidential service that enables you to report concerns either anonymously or openly via email, telephone, web reporting, Freepost or fax 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
- Telephone: If calling from the UK dial 0800 374199. If calling from outside UK, please refer to the following website which lists international free phone telephone numbers http://www.expolink.co.uk/whistleblowing-hotline/PDF/International-Freephone-listing.pdf
- Email: leedsbuildingsociety@expolink.co.uk
- Web Reporting: https://secure.ethicspoint.eu/domain/media/en/gui/106798/index.html
- Write to: Expolink Europe Limited, 6 Greenways Business Park, Bellinger Close, Chippenham, Wiltshire, SN15 1BN
- Fax: 01249 661 608
- Whistleblowing in deposit-takers, PRA-designated investment firms and insurers Policy Statement